Customer Service
Is your Torch Underpowered?
Try this first
If you are a new user and are experiencing a low flame coming out of your new GrillGun or Su-VGun instead of that powerful blue flame you've either previously experienced or seen in all our videos, please make sure you have watched the video below about the check-valve before contacting support. When you follow the procedures demonstrated in the video, you most likely will no longer have any difficulties.
You also MUST read your user's manual completely, because this and other critical safety concerns that you must know are contained therein. This particular feature is discussed on page 16.
If this video doesn't solve your problem and you would like to be contacted by support, please fill out the form below and someone will reach out to you within 72 hours.
There are many other very useful and helpful supplemental videos that will teach you how to get the most out of your GrillBlazer torch that you can see at: