GrillBlazer’s Crowdfunding History in a Nutshell:
Phase 1 – Summer of 2019… GrillBlazer GrillGuns were introduced to the world and enthusiastically supported first on the Kickstarter crowdfunding site and then in July on Indiegogo where it quietly sat taking pre-orders from July through January 2020.
Phase 2 – Fall of 2019… Manufacturing capabilities were developed and production began, slowly ramping up volumes while maintaining high quality control.
Phase 3 – Winter 2019-2020… Production product freighted to US fulfillment centers to meet the backlog of nearly 6000 GrillGuns and Su-VGuns to crowdfunding backers, with a couple thousand left over for new sales to new customers.
Phase 4 – Early Spring 2020… We will do our best to create excitement and then keep up with product demand!