Meet The Founder
Founder of GrillBlazer Inventor of the GrillGun
Bob Healey
Bob and his wife Adele have homeschooled all six of their adult children, while Bob has spent almost four decades in the working world. But in 2011, Bob and Adele decided to change up everything and move to the country to get out of the city and build a farm that their kids and grandkids would come back to from time to time and enjoy the great outdoors and good clean fresh living. He, his wife and entire family are very talented with many interests and they are all either accomplished classical singers and/or musicians, and all but two have grown up and are out of the house, found their own vocations and are building lives or families of their own. Bob and Adele still have two children at home getting ready to go out into the world on their own as well, but while everyone is pursuing their own dreams everyone still finds time to come out to the farm on a regular basis where the family enjoys each other’s company, shares their deep Catholic religious faith and family love.
From a business perspective, Bob Healey is a hardworking, focused, driven, engineer, inventor, entrepreneur, product developer, business developer and newly christened grass-fed-beef farmer. On the personal front, he is a husband of 37 years, fun loving father of six, swimmer, skier, camper, and hunter, an all-around outdoors-man and sports enthusiast. On his farm he is raising grass fed beef and sheep for their own consumption and for sale to the public, while rehabbing their land, and building their homestead. All and all you could say that Bob is your quintessential renaissance man… which is why it comes as no surprise that Bob has decided to start another new business and see where it takes him.
Spanning four decades now Bob has created, developed, marketed and sold numerous high and low tech products and technologies for a number of companies. He has developed startups, managed ongoing business, mentored engineers and managed whole companies, flown around the world doing mergers and acquisitions, and established or engaged with other manufacturing and engineering companies not only in the United States, but in England, China, India, and New Zealand.
Now Bob has decided to bow out of working for corporate America, leverage all his acquired knowledge and skills, and take a shot at a new true “one-man” entrepreneurial startup. In this effort Bob has taken a passion of his, outdoor grilling to an entirely new level. Bob has developed a new product and started a new business to launch an entirely new product line and sales channel. His new company is “GrillBlazer”. Bob has decided to: create and sell really-cool high quality “Man Gear” torches that he calls “GrillGuns” which are used to light charcoal grills in 60 seconds, so you can be cooking immediately, rather than waiting on normal charcoal lighting processes that generally takes about 30 minutes.
The concept of lighting a grill with a high-power torch is nothing new. There are plenty of YouTube videos demonstrating 400,000 or 500,000 BTU weed-torches to start a charcoal grill. In fact, Bob has been lighting his own charcoal grills using readily available and cheap weed-torches for over a decade now, but nothing about starting a grill or BBQ smoker with a weed torch has ever caught-on or become “mainstream” for a whole host of reasons, but primarily because no one has ever built a torch that addresses all the “charcoal grilling” complaints until now. The answer is the “GrillGun”.
Bob has created a tool that all charcoal grillers will want to own and use on a regular basis. The GrillGun is the answer to all the problems that keep charcoal grilling in second place next to gas grilling. Bob thinks that the GrillGun so thoroughly addresses the the health and convenience complaints with currently available charcoal lighting options, that someday, because of the GrillGun, natural wood charcoal grilling may finally take its rightful “First Place” position over gas grilling.
Bob has touched a nerve in people who love to charcoal grill, let alone all the other uses people will find for his GrillGun. The GrillGun is “very cool”. Everyone who sees, hears and experiences the “roar” of the GrillGun lighting their charcoal grill, campfire, or chiminea, wood burning stove, trash incinerator, bonfire or any other responsible type of fire, is blown away. Their faces light up with big smiles and wide open eyes as they smile and make primal sounds like: “awww yeaaahh”, or “ohhhh… that… is…. soooo… cool”, or “Sic”, or “Dude!!”.
It’s fun, it’s fast, it’s effective… no wonder everyone is all jacked about it!
Now you know something about Bob Healey and what trips his trigger. 🙂 “Let’s go Grillin!”